Rendille children typicaly own one string of beads and nothing else. At least until they get to about two years old (girls), or six or seven for boys (then they get a cloth- still no shoes till later). They are naughty like all kids but confident and happy.
Work starts early with kids hearding the lambs from an early age. Girls have two main tasks; they collect firewood and they fetch water. Typically getting the families supply of these will take up their whole day and will involve walking more than 20 kilometers! School girls still have these responsibilites (The girl in the portrait above was shot at the wells where she was fetching water for her mom), and this makes it very hard for the girls to do well in school.
So my thought as I look at the Rendille children is this; what will the future hold? Can the nomadic life of their parents survive the encroaching westernization? What hope do they have?